Alumni Engagement

More than 15,000 W&J graduates share a connection that lasts a lifetime. No matter where you are, you’ll always be a President.

Washington & 杰弗逊学院的校友不仅在事业上取得成功, but they maintain a love and affinity for W&J. Our alumni community is an active part of W&J, providing career guidance to our students, networking with recent graduates across the country, 并制作礼物,以确保学生有一个优秀的W&J experience. Welcome to the W&J alumni family – we are proud to welcome you.

View Alumni Engagement's main page to stay up to date.


Room or Floor: Barron P. McCune Alumni House

Barron P. McCune Alumni House

Alumni House photo

The Barron P. 麦丘校友之家是学院于1989年收购的另一座维多利亚风格的住宅.

McMillan Hall

McMillian Hall

麦克米兰大厅建于1793年,是校园里最古老的建筑. 事实上,它是美国第八古老的学术建筑.



Phone Number: 724-223-6079

Office Leadership
